Bonner Community Hospice is your resource for books containing information about death, dying, and bereavement. Please visit the library in our office, located at 520 N Third Avenue, inside the hospital, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Bereavement Services
Bereavement Services
Grief is the feeling of loss we experience physically and emotionally at the time someone close to us dies. It is often accompanied by a sense of shock or numbness.
Bereavement is the process of adjusting to life without our loved one. The process is different for everyone and may affect our thoughts and feelings for months or even years. Sometimes it can affect us physically in ways that are difficult to understand.
Bonner General Health offers:
- Classes
- Support Groups
- Individual Counseling
- Community

It may be helpful to speak to someone about our feelings and sort through issues associated with the adjustment to our loss. Bonner General Health Community Hospice offers several types of bereavement support and services suitable to the needs of each individual. Learning how to cope with that loss is imperative for the health of the grieving family and friends.
Bonner General Community Hospice offers classes, support groups, and individual counseling to help with the grieving process.