Improving Care for Veterans Facing Illness & Death
The Hospice Foundation of America in collaboration with Bonner General Health Community Hospice is offering, “Improving Care for Veteran’s Facing Illness & Death”.
This program is designed to assist end-of-life care provider organizations and health and human services professionals in enhancing their sensitivities and understanding of veterans and to provide professionals with new interventions to better serve dying veterans and their families.
Particular attention will be placed on veterans who served in WWI, the Korean War, and Vietnam.
In addition to individual interventions, the program will also look at military benefits and intersections with the VA systems.
Finally, the program will explore the traditions and sensitivities of grieving families and resources that can assist them.
Take this opportunity to network and explore ways to support our local veterans. Our panel members are Bryan J. Hult, Bonner County Veterans Services, and Ginna Maus, LCSW.
A complimentary lunch will be provided by Life Care Center of Sandpoint. Please RSVP to Lissa DeFreitas at 208-265-1185 or at [email protected].
Thursday, March 26, 2020
10:00 am – 1:30 pm
BGH Health Services Building 1st Floor Conference Rooms
423 N. Third Avenue, Sandpoint