The Daisy Award

The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day. The DAISY Foundation was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During his hospitalization, they deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to Patrick and his entire family. When he died, they felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way. To learn more, visit Please say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse made a difference you will never forget!
DAISY Award Honoree: Sharon Bistodeau
“A dear friend and valued colleague passed away in October from a terrible, very aggressive lung cancer. Sharon went above and beyond in her care during her last few days.
Our friend went off hospice to get palliative radiation and blood transfusions because she “still had a few things she needed to do before she left.” She finished writing notes and recording videos for her kids during that time, sustaining enough energy from the transfusions to make it happen. Several days later, she turned downward and was admitted to comfort care at BGH. Sharon was the nursing supervisor during that time.
Our dear patient was very sensitive and had EPS symptoms to the most common drug used in comfort care/hospice; The medications weren’t relaxing her. They were actually having the opposite effect. Sharon took it upon herself to call Hospice House for recommendations, got her on a versed drip, and she was immediately comfortable, alert, and awake when desired. Sharon taught the new night nurses how to care for her, more importantly, how to be comfortable with the medication. Her communication and compassion for the patient, her family, and our nursing staff were extraordinary. She came in, even though she was not on shift, and was with the staff, many of them new nurses when our dear patient passed. Sharon reminded the staff that it’s ok to cry and encouraged it. She reminded them that being present during a patient’s last days and breaths is a gift and that all the staff there did an amazing job.
Sharon is a great example of what it looks like to make a difference for a patient, family members, and the staff during a very difficult time. She provided exceptional care and compassion for not only the patient and her family but for the staff as well.”
~ Dr. Stacey Good, Fall 2022

DAISY Award Honoree: Kiana Fosness, R.N.
“It has been just over a month since I was blessed to meet you. I came to visit my Dad, who was under your care on February 4th.
You helped me gown up so I could go in. Once I was with him, he said how hungry he was, so we asked for whatever he could eat, and you brought food for me to feed him. His eyes danced when he could feel it in his stomach. When he was finished, you became his “dental hygienist”, and used a special suction toothbrush to help make his mouth taste fresher.
I got to spend time with him, telling him what a great Dad he was (and “twin” since we shared the same birthday, 24 years apart), and sharing memories.
A few hours into my stay the reality of his aspiration became clear. You were there to check his vitals. Switching out machines when the oxygen monitor didn’t seem to work through his thick fingernails. You called the doctor regarding our request for a feeding tube and his declining status.
You were there with me when he started fading…and the look of compassion that filled your eyes as you wished with me that my prayers would be granted that God would not let my Daddy die (nevertheless His will over mine). We both were aware of the DNR status on his wristband. Your words told me to make sure I shared any final thoughts with him, as he might still be able to hear me and feel my kiss on his cheek.
You hugged me through my loss and asked the others to put their praying hands on the door and to give me time.
I will not forget your kindness and gentleness and with my Dad, and me. Had wished to handwrite this…but then, you wouldn’t be able to read it for the tears falling on the ink, and smudging it.
May God bless you, as you continue to tenderly care for the other patients in your life!”
~ Family Member of a Patient, Spring 2022

DAISY Award Honoree: Doug Lambrecht, R.N.
“Doug provides excellent care on a daily basis for patients. He was caring for a patient who was experiencing complications from a recent surgery. Doug was courteous, caring, and very professional acknowledging the urgency of the patient’s condition. The patient had a large blood clot in his bladder and Doug patiently went above and beyond working with the patient. The patient asked me to please pass along their gratitude.”
~ Marian Martin, Emergency Department Manager
“I was admitted to your ER immediately upon arrival complaining of not being able to urinate due to complications of a recent prostate procedure. Your staff was courteous, caring, and very professional in how they acknowledged the urgency of my condition. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that I had a “tennis-ball-sized” blood clot in my bladder. For several hours the doctor, Doug, and additional staff made several attempts to break it down and flush it out – but nothing worked. Finally, they arranged for me to go to the regional hospital in Coeur d’Alene where I underwent emergency surgery later that evening to remove the clot.
My wife and I live in Fort Worth, Texas, but our children and grandchildren live in Sandpoint. The outstanding efforts that your staff made on my behalf not only saved my life but also saved our Christmas visit.
For over 40 years, I have been creating companies and non-profit organizations focused on helping people have a better life – but it all started from my experiences as a hospital chaplain at Baylor Medical Center in my early 20s. So, when I tell you that your staff represents your hospital and community in an extraordinarily positive way, my opinion is born out of those experiences.
Please pass along my gratitude to Doug and the entire staff.
l am in your debt.”
~ BGH Patient, Spring 2022