Free Childbirth Education Classes Offered at BGH

Classes are 4 weeks long and are offered at no cost.

Classes are from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Suite 101 of the BGH Health Services Building located at 423 N. Third Ave. in Sandpoint.

No registration is required, refreshments will be provided.

Call Joann at 208-265-7484 for more information.






Topics Covered:

 Week 1 ~ Labor & Delivery

  • What to expect
  • Coaching
  • Birthing plans
  • Medication options

Speaker – Joann Filce RN, Maternity Dept. Manager & Labor Nurse

Week 2 ~ Breast Feeding Techniques & Tour of BGH Family-Centered Maternity Unit

  • What happens in the hospital
  • Breastfeeding and lactation

Speaker – Angie Shadel RN, Certified Lactation Consultant

Week 3 ~ Newborn Care & Post Partum Mom

  • Newborn care & safety
  • Car seat information
  • Things to expect after you go home
  • Developmental expectations

Speakers – Dr. Algoe, Dr. DeLand & Dr. Rose

Week 4 ~ Protecting your Back & Pelvic Muscles Through Pregnancy, Delivery, and Beyond

Information on how to strengthen and protect your back and pelvic muscles through pregnancy,  labor, delivery and beyond.

Speaker – Laurie Myers, MSPT, Performance Therapy Services

Upcoming Sessions:

February 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

April 7th, 14th, 21st, & 28th

June 2nd, 9th, 16th, & 23rd
